A pop-up, interactive wonderland that merges beautiful exhibits with augmented reality & real-world problem solvers to inspire you to embrace art, nature, and sustainable systems in your daily life.

3 things to know before your experience:

1. Photo & Video Highly Encouraged
Whether it's selfies, environmental shots, textures, phone backgrounds, etc - Exhibit A is full of photogenic places and opportunities!

2. Augmented Reality
In Loutopia Exhibit A, we're utilizing Augmented Reality to bridge the physical and digital worlds for a genuinely unique experience. Once you purchase your tickets, be sure to download the Adobe Aero app on your mobile phone for the full experience. Once you've downloaded the app, no further actions are required until coming in.

3. Draw on the walls & Other Surfaces
In the spirit of embracing play and creativity, be prepared to literally make your mark on this space!

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